It’s That Time Folks

Okay, here’s the thing. I’m unimpressed by politics and the whole political scene. No one political party has all the right answers while the other party has all the wrong. And what we have to remember is—regardless of who’s voted into office—that person is only human. Humans make mistakes. I don’t rely on politicians for a better world. I rely on God.

Nevertheless, if you know me at all or if you’re a reader of this blog, then you know I’m heavy into self-empowerment (now that I’m older, wiser, sexier, savvier ;)). I’m a true believer of standing in your own power in every aspect of your life. And because we live in a democracy, our right to vote is one element of our individual power.

Therefore, go out and stand in your power. Cast your vote. Early voting has already begun. I’ve already voted. Have you?

I’m Demetria Gray, and I approve this message. 🙂

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NOTE: If you didn’t catch that shameless plug in Paragraph #2, catch it here.