It’s That Time Folks

Okay, here’s the thing. I’m unimpressed by politics and the whole political scene. No one political party has all the right answers while the other party has all the wrong. And what we have to remember is—regardless of who’s voted into office—that person is only human. Humans make mistakes. I don’t rely on politicians for a better world. I rely on God.

Nevertheless, if you know me at all or if you’re a reader of this blog, then you know I’m heavy into self-empowerment (now that I’m older, wiser, sexier, savvier ;)). I’m a true believer of standing in your own power in every aspect of your life. And because we live in a democracy, our right to vote is one element of our individual power.

Therefore, go out and stand in your power. Cast your vote. Early voting has already begun. I’ve already voted. Have you?

I’m Demetria Gray, and I approve this message. 🙂

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Photo by CowardLion

NOTE: If you didn’t catch that shameless plug in Paragraph #2, catch it here.

14 thoughts on “It’s That Time Folks

  1. LOL! Ellen, I would run in 2016 but I’m completely certain the world isn’t ready for how I’d run the country.

    First of all, I’d put an end to this crazy idea of having to work for a living. More play, less work. Job? What’s that?

  2. You’re onto something there, Demetria. Empowering people to do work they are truly passionate about makes work feel like play. I’d definitely vote for that!

  3. Roxanne, I second that motion. The world would be a more pleasant place if we weren’t constantly hustling for our next dollar at the 9 to 5s we despise. “No Work All Play” would be my campaign slogan. LOL

  4. Well you know I am all for not working. Love that more play, less work!!! Since that will not happen anytime soon. Make sure you Vote!!!!!

  5. Yes indeed…we must cast our vote, whatever it may be. Got my ballot in the mail and will drop off at my polling location.

    Dee, you certainly would get my vote. But the slogan would have to be “no work, all play”! I could be your campaign manager. You could pay me in Suzy q’s….yeah, Suzy q’s.

  6. Yummo, Starla. I like them SuzyQs, even though the creamy filling inside is horribly artery clogging. Plus, they shrunk the size. They used to be much bigger back in the day. What a ripoff, now.

    Anyhoo, I have announced my slogan as “No Work, All Play,” four comments up. If you’re going to be my campaign manager you have to stay on top of the game, kiddo. 🙂

  7. I’d vote for you because you have such a fun personality and are a diva. Which one of our current candidates can boast that? I voted already (for better or for worse) and am serving as an election judge on Nov 6. I’m a greeter and get to hand out “I voted” stickers! Lol.

    • Thanks, Julie, I’ll need your vote. 🙂 Good for you volunteering to greet and hand out stickers. I love the sticker “hander-outers” at my polling place. They are so fun and bubbly.

      My husband tried to get me to volunteer because he was a campaign volunteer this year (getting people registered, knocking on doors, etc.), but I told him knocking on doors to hand out flyers was NOT my cup of tea. Especially when you know people HATE folks ringing their doorbell. I hate it, so I’m sure others do too.

      I have ongoing jokes with him about how many people pretended they weren’t home or rolled their eyes when they opened the door. His personality suits that kind of stuff. But that is so NOT ME. I could do the sticker thing, though.

  8. This was great, Demetria! I’m all for a 40 hour play-week.

    Thanks for checking out the new blog. It did end up purdy and much easier on the eyes. Julie said something in its infancy about the dark background and thin letters being difficult to read, but I guess I was feeling a little moodier, then. I needed to wallow in the darkness to be able to see the light more clearly. That light can be hard to spot sometimes!

    Oh…thanks for leaving a comment at ARR…I couldn’t remove the extra one. I know how that is…I hate when I do that!

  9. LOL! No time for play…except when I come visit this sexy, savvy, shaken but not stirred site of yours!

    I meant to tell you…I LOVED the “I’m Demetria Foster Gray and I approve this message.” I do that all the time during political seasons.

    Have a great day!

  10. ML, glad you caught that joke. I couldn’t resist using it because I know people are sick of hearing it.

    That tag line is so ingrained in our psyche from campaign overuse that we’ll all suffer debilitating withdrawals when those political commercials are over. And I’m so ready for them to be OVER!

    They are seriously cramping my television viewing pleasure.

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