What Matters

Sometimes our heart is empty. The kind of empty where you cling to your pillow when you awake for fear of the same undesirable day ahead. The same drudgery. The same loneliness. The same unfulfilling relationships you may be having with friends, family, coworkers, etc. The same blah.

So what matters, then, when your heart is empty?

You matter.

Even though you don’t feel it, can’t believe it, and certainly aren’t living it—you still matter. Every smile you fake, matters. Every tear you cry, matters. Every breath you breathe, matters.

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On days when our heart is empty, sometimes knowing we matter is just enough momentum to help us press on.

Often we want to be told/shown we matter. To be acknowledged and not dismissed. Heard and not ignored. Honored and not devalued. However, we can’t wait on others to provide this for us. It’s not their job to provide our worth. We have to be diligent in our own self-worth. Therefore, whenever I’m clinging hard to my pillow and not thrilled to start my day, I’ve learned to tell myself these simple words, “I hear you. I see you. You matter.”

This helps me press on. Even when (especially when) my heart feels empty and blah. What do you do when you wake up empty and blah?

Photo by Stuart Miles