Sweet Talking My Ego


Let’s face it; our ego gets in the way of our truly gifted self. The ego is in tune with the world and all the many traps it sets for us. It blinds us from who we really are and hinders our growth.

There are so many things in life we strive for, so many bright stars we shoot for, and so many ways our ego puts a halt to obtaining those goals. We start to focus on the wrong stuff and then lose our way. Wondering what happened, oblivious to the price we pay.

I spend a lot of time demanding sweet-talking my obnoxious ego into submission, needing it to conform to my logical, rational, spiritual way of thinking, of doing, and of being. A lot of time I only recognize my ego only after it has driven me off the road and landed me in a ditch.
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Crap! Not again. And again.

So I spend time sweet talking my ego, trying to befriend it, to understand it, to live along side of it, without letting it take reign and have total control. Last night when I was snapping at my husband and screaming at my kids, I recognized the ditch I was in. And yet I stayed in that ditch because I was tired and upset. I didn’t sweet talk my ego, I gave it full reign to ride.

They say there are only two types of people in the world: those who do, and those who do not. Unfortunately, I am neither of those types, because the simple fact of the matter is; sometimes I do, and sometimes I do not. And I know I’m not alone. It’s a massive population.

Last night I didn’t sweet talk my ego, and I ended up in a ditch.

Photo by Getideaka