“Making the First Move” Blog Tour w/Reese Ryan

Reese Ryan’s novel Making the First Move makes its debut release today and I’m thrilled to be part of her launch party. Reese and I have developed a wonderful literary bond and friendship in recent years and as her colorful layers unfold, she continues to demonstrate genuine kindness, warm humor, and an audacious writing talent.

Weeks ago, I pre-ordered my own copy of Making the First Move and have been anxiously awaiting this particular day to finally get my hands on it. You should definitely consider getting your hands on one, too.  (Click here to read the book summary.)

Please help me celebrate the debut of Reese Ryan by learning about her and her new novel. Reese granted me a walk inside her mind, which gave me the privilege of revealing to you the makings of a true literary artist.

Chatting with Reese


Your debut novel Making the First Move is a contemporary romance, what draws you to this genre?

I love stories in the here and now. Historical and sci-fi fiction can be fun, too. But with contemporary fiction—as both a reader and writer—I don’t get lost in the details of world-building and can concentrate more on the characters, their interactions, and emotions.


Who is your intended audience and why should they read your book?

Making the First Move is a contemporary romance, but it’s also very much about the growth of a flawed heroine and the characters and situations who play a role in her journey. So the intended audience is readers who enjoy watching the evolution of a flawed character as she makes her challenging journey to happy ever after with the hero. 


Most non-writers think writing a book is easy-peasy, yet we writers know differently. What is the hardest thing for you about writing?

Initially it was applying butt to chair and getting a manuscript finished. Don’t get me wrong, that can still be a challenge at times. But the real work happens during the revision stage. That’s where the story is really crafted into the final form. For me that’s the most difficult part of the process.


What aspect/process of getting your book published surprised you the most?

The non-writing part of being a published writer. It takes a huge amount of time and effort. As a writer you think, I just need to write the best novel I can. That’s true. But that isn’t the end, it’s only the beginning. Whether you’re self-published, digitally-published, or with a traditional publishing house MUCH of the business of promo falls to the author.


Is there a message in your debut novel you’d want readers to grasp?

Yes. It’s never too late to reinvent yourself. Find your passion and do what makes you happy. Even if it’s not in line with others’ expectations for you. 


Connect with Reese:





Buy the book:


Barnes & Noble


Author Bio

Reese Ryan writes sexy, contemporary fiction filled with colorful characters and sinfully-sweet romance. Born and raised in the Midwest, she now resides in Central North Carolina with her husband and young adult son who tolerate her propensity to sing and dance badly.

A self-proclaimed Bohemian Southern Belle, she treads the line carefully between being a Northerner and a damned Yankee—despite her insistence on calling soda, “pop.” Reese gauges her progress by the number of “bless your lil’ hearts” she gets each week. She is currently down to two.


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Blogging Hiatus

It’s that time again……….Summer Time!

Which means it’s time for my mid-year blog hiatus.

“Oh no, say it isn’t so,” is what you all are saying. Right??? Don’t lie, I hear the roar of your voices begging me to stay. But I must go. I must indulge in a much needed blog break.

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Lucky you, you won’t have to listen to me all summer long. That, alone, is priceless.

I’ll see you all back here again in the Fall.

Have an awesome summer!

Photo by Chayathon Wong

Debut Novel: “The Circle” by Cindy Cipriano


I’m very excited to feature my friend, Cindy Cipriano, here today. Her debut novel The Circle (published by Odyssey Books) releases June 1, 2013, and I’m extremely thrilled for her literary accomplishments.

Cindy and I are fellow members of the critique group “Triad Writers,” and her debut novel holds a personal level of attachment for me. I (and other members from our quaint critique group) have had the pleasure of reading The Circle with a fine-tooth, critique-yielding comb in which Cindy has graciously thanked us all for doing so on her acknowledgments page of the book.

Cindy is an excellent writer with an amazing eye for storytelling. In this debut novel, she draws you into her characters’ layers with effortless ease and takes you on a mystical adventure that’s sure to spark and hold your interest. 

The Circle is a Middle Grades/YA novel that’s full of intrigue, magic, and mystery. It’s great for those who like reading fantasy novels.

Please help me welcome Cindy to my blog home, and enjoy this brief insider look at a wonderful new author hitting the literary scene.


A Brief Chat With Cindy


How long does it take you to write a book?

Generally six to eight months if I stay on a schedule.


How/why did you choose the genre you write in?

I love reading middle grades and young adult fantasy. 


What was the hardest part of writing your book?

The first draft was much longer.  By the time my publisher read the manuscript, many scenes had been cut.  She then asked if I could add more to the story, so I had to edit those scenes back in.  That was the most difficult part, dovetailing all the pieces back together.

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What aspect/process of getting your book published surprised you the most?

That my publisher so graciously considered my opinion regarding the cover art.


Tell us something you’d like readers to know about you?

I wish I had more time to write!  I am writing The Lost, which is the sequel to The CircleClick here or visit my website to learn more information about these books in The Sidhe series.


Connect with Cindy:






Buy the Book:


 Barnes & Noble

Author Bio

Cindy Cipriano lives in North Carolina with her husband, son, and 27 pets. Okay, more like one cat, three dogs, and many, many fish. Cindy is an award winning science teacher who, this past August, celebrated her 12th first day of sixth grade.


When Running or Hiding is Not an Option

Sometimes I get an urge to run. To flee the scenes of my life. To drop all the hats (roles) I wear by the wayside and take off in a mad sprint. But not to go anywhere in particular, just to run off some steam and the excess weight of responsibility.

I woke up this morning wanting to stay hidden under my sheets, but of course my roles quickly found me when my youngest son schmoozed me into making toast, grits and eggs for breakfast (mother), and my husband plunged me into unwanted conversation while he got dressed for work (wife) — he’s a morning talker, I so am not.

So I boo’ed and hissed and took on my roles as wife and mother while anxiously awaiting the exact moment when they all left the building for work and school, and the house fell silent. Yum. I loves me some silence.

Then I came into my home office to put on the hats awaiting me here: client emails, writing tasks, webinars, research, phone calls, online presence, building an author platform, working on manuscripts, nurturing my goals, and not to mention NOT getting to the gym this morning (which is a love/hate relationship of its own).

Needless to say, today I’m just not feeling it. I can’t work up the love for it. I’m in a “blah” funk. But wait, it gets worse. In a few short hours (because the day flies by like lightening) the kids get home from school and the fierce, drag-out, homework fights knock me out like a swift ninja kick. Blam!

Some days you just don’t want to be anything to anybody. Some days you just feel blah.

Running is not an option. Hiding never works. So I suck it up. I make do. I press on. Because the blahness passes over. And also during these times of blahness, or anger, or frustration, I remind myself of these brilliant words from T. D. Jakes: Never make a permanent decision out of temporary circumstances.”

This, too, shall pass.

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REMINDER:  Tomorrow (2/20/13) begins the first blog hop book discussion for the Progressive Book Club hosted by M.L. Swift.

New members are welcome. Click here for more information.




Top Photo by: Basketman

January Newsflash…

A few things I’d like to share in the form of acknowledgment and shameless plugs. Let’s start first with an acknowledgment.


Today is my anniversary. Blog anniversary, that is. Two years ago—on this very day— I catapulted myself into the blogosphere hoping to forge new territory for my writing endeavors.

And here I stand. Hurray!!!!!

However, there’s still so much more ground to cover on my writing journey, so it’s not over ‘til it’s over.


Join me in a round of applause for the 2nd Anniversary of Shaken But Not Stirred, and let’s continue to strive for NOT being stirred when we get shaken up by life.


Now on to the shameless plugs…


The next issue of Sexy Savvy Growth (SSG) is about to hit the cyber waves and show up in a lot of email boxes next week. Is yours one of them?

If not, you’re missing out on plenty of helpful information on personal growth and self-empowerment that I only share in the SSG newsletter.

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Plus, SSG is a nice little tool to use throughout this New Year to help you stay focused on who you are, your goals, and your personal growth. Because growth is sexy! (Couldn’t leave out that SSG tagline.)


And for my final plug….


A new online book club has been launched by my friend and fellow writer M.L. Swift. 

It’s called the Progressive Book Club.

M.L. is excited about this new venture and would love to have you join the party as they read, discuss, and socialize over books. (And probably a whole lot of other fun, off-the-cuff stuff.)

To learn more about this exciting new book club click here, and then JOIN!

I’m sure M.L. is pulling out all the stops to make this well worth your time.