News Updates

It’s been kind of quiet at this blog lately, but there’s good reason for my lack of presence around here. You’ll understand those reasons later in this post. For now, here are two pieces of news I’d like to share.

Parenting News

Me and my teenage son at the lake for a day of family fishing. Yep, I see the hat.

My fifteen year old son and high school jock (football player) has his driving permit. Now, I know this isn’t considered substantial news to others, but it’s substantial news to me. Where did the time fly? It was only yesterday he squirted baby pee in my face when I changed his diaper. Only yesterday when he’d poo in the tub when I gave him a bath. Only yesterday when I had to pry plant leaves from the roof of his mouth because he kept eating the house plants.

Now he’s driving, and his driving is driving me bats! Let’s not even talk about how he’s already hit our garage wall while backing out my car (scratching the bumper and denting the wall). And this could’ve been avoided had he stopped when I yelled, “STOP!” from my position in the passenger seat. But let’s not talk about it. Like I said, my son’s driving is not substantial news for you, but for me it’s a daily headline. Nevertheless, I’ll end here with two words that’ll always rattle a mother’s nerve: Teenage Drivers.

Publishing News

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Photo by: Master Isolated Images

Here are two more words rattling my nerves: Debut Novel. Yes, you read correctly. My first published novel is releasing in August. For the past several months not only have I been overwhelmingly busy finalizing the book (thus, my blog absence), but also the impending release date has been rattling my nerves. The good kind of rattling, that is (unlike my son’s driving).

This kind of rattling is a courageous blend of excitement and trepidation. Excited because it’s been a long time coming, and FINALLY (yes, FINALLY–it’s about darn time) I’ve made it to this point in my literary career. Trepidation, because it’s new ground to walk on and I know the path can get rocky. However, I’m ready for the peaks and valleys of being a published author. I’m also ready for the favorable and not-so-favorable book reviews that comes along with the territory. I’m ready for these things because I have two secret weapons stashed in my pockets: (1) God to sustain me, and (2) the following quote to ground me.

“There are those who will like me too much and those who will hate me too much, yet I don’t put much stock in either. I know my ‘sense of self’ is balanced between those two extremes. That’s where strength of character and self awareness lies—between the extremes. We have to balance ourselves between the norm and the ab-norm, and realize who we are is not determined by others’ opinions. Nor by who or what they choose to love or hate.” —Demetria Foster Gray


Tune in next week for the official book release announcement. And as Bishop T.D. Jakes says, “Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!”



16 thoughts on “News Updates

    • OMG, Susan! Where have you been hiding? I was beginning to think you dropped off earth and moved to another planet. I haven’t seen or heard from you in a while and your blog has been sitting over there dormant and lonely. What’s going on? I also just went over to subscribe (or re-subscribe) for email updates because I can’t remember if I’m already subscribed or not.

      I’m so glad you’ve come to visit over here. I’ve missed your comments, so stop being a “stranger danger” and get back on the friendship train. Toot! Toot! 🙂

  1. Congratulations on your debut novel! 🙂 If you don’t mind, I can feature you on my Rhet Effects blog on its release date. I understand about your son being behind the wheel. My niece is getting her license the end of this year, and I’m already worried. I changed this girl’s diapers, had her follow me around as a toddler, and now she is growing into this young woman. I am like no, no, go back to being a baby. lol

    • Thank you, Alexandra, of course I don’t mind being featured on Rhet Effects. A blog tour is being scheduled on my release date and the weeks following. So the more the merrier. I can use all the support I can get. I’ll shoot you an email to discuss.

      Also, I feel you on the “no, no, no, go back to being a baby,” thing. I’m always wishing my kids could go back to their innocent baby/toddler stage. I miss those years so much. But life goes on and we have to flow with the ever changing seasons that make us who we are.

  2. Demetria, I’m absolutely thrilled for you! I’m so proud that you’ve chosen to grab the reins of your own publishing career. I hope to follow in your footsteps soon, and I’m doing a happy dance for you. Woo hoo! As for that teenage driver…yes, the years do fly by. Next thing you know your handsome man will be off to college. Savor these memories. You’ll look back on them fondly later (and you’ll be able to use them as ammunition when he brings his intended around). 🙂 BTW, ain’t nothin’ wrong with that hat. This is the South. Work it, girl!

    • Thanks, Reese! I’ll join you in your happy dance, even though I left all my skillful dance moves on the dance floor of the Chicago nightclubs over 20 years ago. 😉

      Yes, I’m savoring all these years with the kids because it won’t be long before our house becomes an empty nest. And an empty nest will be both “boo hoo” and “yahoo” at the same time.

  3. Demetria! I’m so excited by your news! Can’t wait to read your first novel. I will definitely be buying and reading! Yay!

    And as for teenage drivers – trust me my friend, it gets better. I promise! My 17yo is such a better driver now than he was a year ago. But those early days – yikes! (And by the way, he is so handsome!)

    • Thank you, Charlene. I’m excited, too. Please do get the book and spread the word. Word of mouth is the most powerful marketing tool.

      Also, are you sure this teenage driving thing gets better, because from my current viewpoint it looks very skeptical. But maybe my parents thought the same about me when I first started. 😉 Thanks for dropping by.

  4. First….CONGRATULATIONS!! Your time has arrived and I am very proud of you my friend. Cannot wait for the release date.

    Secondly….the hat!! There are truly no words other than you go girl, in your shabby chic “fish-wear”.

    • Ha! Shabby chic fish-wear is funny, Ms. Rae. You always come correct, my sister.

      Thanks a bunch for the congratulatory shout out. Indeed, my time has come and you’ve been generously supportive all the way. Generous meaning your time, participation, and well-wishes, not money. But, I’ll take money, too. 😉

      Much love to you, my downhome, home-grown, trueblood friend.

  5. DEE! Congrats on the upcoming novel! You’re a debutante! Three exclamatory sentences in a row…can I *be* more excited for you?

    Things have been really slow at my place for similar reasons. No, no novel yet, but some independent writing and submitting. Trying to lay a foundation.

    I don’t know where you live, but when I learned to drive, my folks made sure it was out in the boonies. Less things to hit.

    Keep me posted and I’ll be sure to promote your book. Man (woman), I’m so happy for you!

    • Wow, Mike, never been called a debutante before, but I’ll take it. 🙂

      Thanks for the congrats and for cheering me on. I’m very grateful our paths have crossed. You’ve always made this online world fun for me. I’m cheering you on for much success in laying your foundation.

      Oh, and as far as the boonies goes, I’m not that far from the boonies. But even then, I think he’d still hit a big red barn. LOL

    • Ha ha ha ha ha ha too funny, Melissa! Never heard it described as one big Maalox moment, but I can see how the shoe fits. I’ll go buy a bottle to have on hand for the release day.

      Thanks for the plug, I’ll definitely send you the deets; and also pick your brain, because I know you’ve just gone through this and have wisdom to share.

  6. First, let me apologize for being so late. Congratulations! Your time has come. Now everyone can enjoy your gift.

    SN: quit looking like your mom! LOL

    • Thanks, ShaRan, your last sentence in the first paragraph was very touching. Had a moment of misty eye. 🙂

      And I know, right, about my mom. I’ve been trying to quit looking like her but God ain’t having it. The similarities keep getting stronger as I get older.

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