Red Wine and I Are Breaking Up

For a few years, I’ve been a member of the Mark My Word book club where a small group of women and I get together every other month to discuss books. We take turns hosting the meetings at each others’ homes, over potluck dinners and glasses of wine.

It was at one of these gatherings where I had an “aha” moment.

While filling up my plate with a second helping of food, then reaching for the bottle of Moscato (white wine) to refill my glass, I discovered the bottle was empty. Disappointed, the only drink options left were watered-down fruit punch and red wine. There stood my dilemma.

Typically, I’m not a drinker. You can probably count on one hand how many drinks I have during the course of a year (okay, two hands). And it’s usually in a girlfriend-type setting like book club potluck dinners, or other girlfriend-type gatherings (wink wink, Sharon) where we’ve broken free from our kids, our husbands, and all our crappy responsibilities.
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But there amongst my beverage dilemma (and amongst all the women who drank the other two bottles of Moscato), it finally hit me: In all my life, I’ve never tasted a red wine I’ve ever liked. Never.

Aha. There lies a defining moment in red wine history—I hate red wine. Even though I’ve always continued to try it, thinking I just haven’t met the right one. There is no “right” one. And finally I’ve arrived at that conclusion. To me, they will always suck.

Therefore, red wine and I are breaking up. We’ve always clashed together anyway.

Photo by Njaj

14 thoughts on “Red Wine and I Are Breaking Up

  1. I am also quite fond of Moscato. I’ve tried different red wines, too. But I’m not a fan. I did have one once that I thought was pretty good, but I’ve never been able to find it again. I think it was a Shiraz, but the ones I’ve tried since then just didn’t make the cut. BTW, those book club parties sound fun. 🙂

    • Reese, at least you’ve ran across a red you like. I’ve never like any I’ve tasted. But it sounds like you’ll be breaking up with red wine, too. And, yes, those book club gatherings are fun, fun, fun. I always look forward to them.

    • Finally, Julie, there’s something we DON’T have in common. Usually you and I are two peas in a pod, but on this red wine thing I think we have to go our separate ways.

      Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, my friend. I’ve got pies in the oven right now. 🙂

  2. Ha! What a delightful post, and may I say how clean and crisp it looks in here. Very nice and minimal. I’ve even thought of going the same route.

    I only use red wine in cooking, and boy does it enhance an otherwise blah meat. It’s too heavy for me to drink and always gives me an instant headache. Plus, I like cold drinks and red is usually served warm.

    • So I see someone’s been to a photo shoot. Now we all can feast our eyes on the new Mike. (Okay, same Mike, new picture.)Though I’m not at all surprised by the changeup. You’re always keeping us on our toes with fresh, new changes.

      I never knew red wine was supposed to be served warm, maybe that’s why it taste so awful. I, too, like my drinks cold, and if they aren’t I usually put ice in the glass. Maybe that’s why I get weird looks when I fill my wine glass with a whole lot of ice that it looks more like a “slushie” drink than an alcoholic beverage.

      Yep, it’s true, I’m a rookie drinker. I could care less about swirling the wine or allowing it to breathe. Ha. 🙂

  3. I’m with ya on that one. No Likie the red wine. What a shame… it is the wine recommended by doctors in helping to lower cholesterol. Moscato is the wine for me.

    • Starletta, me no likie it either. 😉

      Thank God there are other methods of lowering cholesterol than that awful red wine. I’d be so so screwed if there weren’t.

      Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my sister. Love ya. And try not to be frying up turkeys over there. Fried turkey makes me so nervous.

  4. LOL! Not a fan of the red wine either. I have been drinking Mango Strawberry Moscato, and I love it! I am not much of a drinker either, but like you said when I get with my BFF’s I’ll get a glass of something with food and laughter, which is so much fun! Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble! Gobble!

    • What? There’s such a thing as Mango Strawberry Moscato. Never heard of it. I’ll have to try it one day. It sounds interesting. Also, I know you’re not a drinker, which makes you the perfect drinking buddy whenever we get together (we don’t over-indulge). That’s why I added the “wink wink, Sharon” in the post. 😉

      Gobble gobble, back at ya. Hope your Thanksgiving is lovely.

  5. Yes, I prefer white wine too. Red is too bitter and dry. But, there are some sweet Italian red wines that are quite good. Try and find one, maybe you’ll change your mind and bring one of those sweet red wines to the next book club meeting. 🙂

    • Melissa, wasn’t Moscato a lovely find? I only discovered it last year when one of my friends brought it to our potluck bookclub dinner. It’s been my favorite ever since. But only a certain brand of Moscato. Not all Moscato’s taste good. Just a select few.

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