List Lover

It’s true. I’m a list lover. I make a list for things all the time. Mainly because my brain has a few loose screws and lists are my personal assistants that keep me focused within a world of distractions.

I make a list for grocery shopping, packing for trips, day-to-day tasks, goal setting, gift buying, children’s activities, writing tasks, brainstorming, etc. I’ll stick a reminder list on my bathroom mirror, an errands list on my car dashboard, a job tasks list next to my office computer, and the ever present dry erase board on my refrigerator for grocery items.

My husband thinks I’m very organized and detailed—for which I am (not to mention I’m a labeler, too. That’s right, I label stuff)—but that’s not why I’m a fan of lists. It’s because my mind moves a mile a minute and I’m constantly thinking about what needs to be done. If I don’t write it down while I’m thinking about it, it gets lost in the wastelands of brain fog. I go blank, freeze up, and end up doing nothing at all.

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Lists also help me vent and release pent-up frustrations. My previous blog post “Resisting the Urge” came about because I was listing frustrations. Venting on paper can be very therapeutic, it helps me breathe.

But I’m not a natural born list maker. I haven’t always been this way. In my twenties, I was more of a free spirit, a willy nilly. My only concern then was to collect my paycheck, have fun, and hang with my girlfriends (and whatever boyfriends). There were no lists then because I was busy living the young-adult life instead of zeroing in on my purpose in life, as I am now. Plus, I didn’t have all the responsibilities of being a wife, mother, running a household, and redesigning a career (and redesigning myself). These roles require plenty of lists.

So there you have it, the list lover in me. Are there any list lovers out there who feel me?

Photo by 89Studio

4 thoughts on “List Lover

  1. Yes, I am also a list lover!!! It just amazes me how many lists I write a day. Like you said it is very theraputic. Especially when your trying to make changes in your life. Writing lists helps you to see things clearer.
    Also,like you said my mind is not as sharp sometimes. When your life is full of remembering everything for everyone else. You tend to forgot about things for yourself.

  2. Well said, Sharon. And don’t you just love having to remember everything for everybody else in your household. As if you don’t already have enough of your own stuff to remember.

  3. Lists are a must for me as I can barely remember anything from 1 minute to the next. However, I find it quite amusing when I make a list for the supermarket and forget the list at home. How F U N N Y!

  4. Starla, I’ve done that before, left my grocery list at home. Hated it! Also I wonder if as we get older we become list lovers? Does age (brain age) play a role in it because I didn’t do it when I was younger with a sharper brain? Go figure.

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