Resisting the Urge

I’m resisting the urge to run away from home to escape daily domestic duties.

I’m resisting the urge to eat an entire double chocolate fudge cake.

I’m resisting the urge to tell a few people what I really think of them.

I’m resisting the urge to redecorate my whole house.

I’m resisting the urge to throw the new novel I’m writing out the window.

I’m resisting the urge to wear a hat for the rest of my life because I’m tired of combing my hair every day.

I’m resisting the urge to stop exercising and surrender to being fat.

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I’m resisting the urge to burn everything in my closet and get a totally new wardrobe.

I’m resisting the urge to make a permanent decision out of temporary circumstances.

I’m resisting the urge to end this blog.

Sometimes a little resistance and a whole lot of restraint are required to keep our heads on straight. I once heard Denzel Washington say, “Do what you GOT to do in order to do what you WANT to do. In that order. It doesn’t work the other way around.” Therefore, I’ve got to stay focused and resist these urges so I don’t enter the danger zone and self-destruct. Thanks Denzel.

What are you resisting the urge to do?

Photo by Simon Howden

6 thoughts on “Resisting the Urge

  1. I am resisting the urge to eat everything I love.
    I am resisting the urge to quit my job.
    I am resisting the urge to cut off all my hair. Because like you Demetria I am tried of combing my hair.
    I am resisting the urge to throw everything out of my house and get all new stuff.
    I am resisting the urge not to cry some days. Because I am tired of always being the responsible one.

    Wow! I have to say listing the things you are trying to resist is quite cleansing.
    But just like you I pick myself up and dust myself off and resist those urges.

    • You go girl, Sharon!!! I was expecting the responses to list only one or two of their urges but you came out bold and beautiful! Thanks for your crisp honesty. And thanks for sharing. Also, I agree, it is quite cleansing to list those things. You should have seen my original list before I edited it down for public view. The original was a lot longer and way more personal. And, yes, I felt cleansed after writing it.

  2. End this BLOG? No, no- resist D!
    But the hair- does it matter so? EVERY time I need a life change- it is preceeded by cutting my hair. I wear my hair long when I need to feel nurtured and I cut it when I am breaking out. So if you need some change- need to feel like something’s happening- hey, its ONLY hair. It’s grow back!

    I am resisting the urge (not very well…)to keep doin’ and doin’ for others til I am give O-U-T- I need to put “ME” on the to do list to, or better yet, not do nothin’. (Sorry about the double negatives…)

  3. Susan, there’s so much truth to when women cut their hair, it’s preceded by a need for life change. I’ve done that before on several occasions. However, now I’m just plain sick of combing my hair altogether.

    Also, I agree you should try harder putting yourself back on your “to-do” list. You’re a very kind and generous person who puts “self” aside for the sake of others. I wish you well in being more kind and generous to yourself.

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