It’s Time for a Photo Shoot


We are so overdue for another family photo—a professional family photo, not the ones I take with my cell phone or with my outdated digital camera.

I re-realized (yes re-realized) the need to take new photos a couple of days ago when I received (via email) an extremely cute (and largely disturbing) picture of my good friend Starla—whom I love so gosh darned much that I won’t embarrass her by posting it here—which got me to perusing through my own photos.

The family photo here of me and my boys was taken in early 2009 and, unfortunately, as a family unit we haven’t stepped back into a photographer’s studio ever since.

I have friends who take yearly family photos, and I wonder why I can never get my act together to do it more often. Definitely not yearly, but at least every two or three years would suffice, just to denote the passing hands of time on our appearance. And also to have professional photos available to send to those “particular” family members back home who literally beat us to a bloody pulp for not sending pictures. Okay, not beaten literally, but close.

I think I hide behind the fact my kids take yearly school pictures so that serves as capturing their stages of life, but it doesn’t capture us as a family unit.

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In this photo, my oldest son (on the right) was 10 years old and shorter than me, now he’s age 14½ and towers over me. When did that happen? But more importantly, why do I now have to “look up” at him when I’m dishing out the discipline. That’s so uncool.

Anyhoo, I think it’s time to set up a meeting with the photographer. But I feel fat, so I probably won’t. Although, I do have a sassy new haircut that needs immortalizing in a timeless photo. 🙂

How often do you (or did you) have family photos taken? Also, how often did you have to suffer through family photos as a kid?


19 thoughts on “It’s Time for a Photo Shoot

  1. I loved this Demetria, because you are so right and I am right there with you. My family needs to get our butts into a photography studio and pronto! The last time we had a family photo taken professionally was in 2005 (and I was a blonde!)

    I will get right on booking that appointment. (As soon as I lose 10 pounds!) 🙂

  2. What a gorgeous family you have!

    Since the wedding, we have no professional photos taken, and I don’t know why. Probably because the camera-phone-ipod devices make photos so convenient, just like everything else these days.

    • Joe, thank you for the compliment. I agree our electronic devices makes photos so much more convenient, and because of this who wants to drag themselves into a photographer’s studio or pay the photographers costs. Thankfully, the photographer who took our family picture is a friend of the family, so going to his studio was more personal and fun.

      Ellen, I think I can recall your telling me about one of your family photo sessions with the kids, and if I recall correctly, I think you had me rolling with laughter over it. Nice suggestion, hiding in photos. I think we all have had our share of photo hiding at some point in our lives.

  3. I love this. You are not alone. I can so relate. I haven’t even had professional photos done of my boys since they were babies. That was an experience in itself since they lost the photos at Sears and they only found a few to recover. After that, I think I thought I could do it myself taking candid poses around the house. After all, aren’t those more natural anyways and CHEAPER?! I am of the same mindset as you that why bother getting professional when I pay enough for the school and sports organizations to do it…? I agree that it’s not a ‘family’ photo, but I don’t want myself in it anyways. Nobody wants to see me or my husband anyways. They want to see how much the boys have grown. I would say that if you want to take a family photo, but you don’t want to show the body, but the rockin’ hairstyle then you should stand in the back with just your head peaking up over the boys as they all kneel or sit on stools. That way everyone can see your hot do. Just a suggestion.

  4. OK what is with the pattern of self-esteem here? The first thing I thought of when I saw your pictures was how beautiful you are and how lovely and sweet your family is. I see a family, love, joy, laughter and a lot of fun in your household.

    But like others on here, I hate the idea of a family picture unless I can stand behind someone. I don’t like what I see in pictures of me. Ugh– we’re a mess.

    Love the pictures and hope you find the motivation to show off more of that great family love!

    • Julie, I noticed the pattern, too. Looks like a lot of us don’t feel “perty” enough for a photo shoot. But thanks for the family photo compliment, and after several more fitness classes at the gym and a cutback on the ice cream and brownies at night, I’ll eventually get back into the photographer’s studio.

      Mike, thanks for reminding me my son will be out the door—in only three short years, boo hoo! I’ll take that Lifesaver now. Hope it’s cherry flavored. I don’t like the green ones. Also you’re having the opposite photo problem (too thin), than the rest of us so I simply can’t relate to your plight. Although, I know pneumonia kicked your butt, so I understand the accidental weight loss.

  5. What a handsome family! Yes, take those yearly pics now…see how much your son has grown already? Pretty soon he’ll be out the door. Sorry, didn’t mean to make you cry. Here…have a lifesaver.

    But I understand. I’ve got a beard right now, but won’t get a picture with it because I’ve lost too much weight (accidentally). I look too drawn and tired.

    Very nice, D.

  6. LOL!!! Well, I am always making the kids take pictures. But like you I don’t like the way I look in pictures anymore unless I am hiding behind someone.:) Recently, we did a family picture for my mother. Yes,I ran to the back to hide. Luckily, my family is all the same height. Except for the boys they had to kneel. I don’t like taking pictures anymore. This new mature figure is just to much for the camera.

  7. Sharon, it sounds like running and hiding in photos is the ongoing theme here. I guess no one likes the camera.

    Also, that’s too funny how you said your new mature figure is just too much for the camera. I hear ya, sista, but you still know how to “rock it” anyways. I’ve seen photos of your sexy, savvy self!!!!!!! 🙂

  8. Aww. What a lovely family! You’re doing better than I. We haven’t had a professional pic of the family together ever.

    My kids are passing me up in height, too. But I use it to my advantage. I remind them it puts me at perfect spanking level. LOL 😀

  9. What a pleasant surprise to open your blog and see my favorite Grays. My last professional photo was 2001……the wedding pics….and that was on the beach on a very gloomy day. I wanted to take photos a few years back before the 2nd chin fully developed. Let’s just say it’s too late now.

  10. What beautiful pictures and family. Yeah, it seems like it might be time to take another. 🙂

    But, it does makes those rare professional photos that much more special when you go over the album years later, like the one I posted with my dad. I think that’s the only professional photo we took with my dad. So glad we came across it in my mom’s storage and took a picture of it and other photos.

  11. Melissa, wow that’s the first time I’ve heard that. I thought everyone had at least one professional family photo. I guess that’s a very limited way of thinking on my part. Also, perfect spanking level is funny.

  12. Starla, as I said above, it was your crazy recent photo I got that inspired this post so thank you. Also it’s never too late for professional photos, so get yourself in the studio and have them airbrush that double chin out. You’re welcome. 🙂

    Nancy, thanks for the compliment. And you’re right it’s always nice to come across old photos years later. Also, I must have missed the one you posted with your dad. Was it posted a very long time ago? Send me the link to that blog post so I can see it.

  13. First: Adorable photos!

    Second: I am so bad about this. I really regret not having taken more photos–professional and otherwise–over the years. I was always telling myself “When you lose ten pounds.” Funny how much time can pass that way.

  14. Reese, you hit it right on point for me when you said you regret not having more photos. I feel like I’m going to regret it, too, and don’t want to look back on these years and wish I had more photos as a family unit, especially since kids grow up so fast.

    You have just unknowingly gave some great advice for all of us here to not waste time waiting on weight loss or the perfect photo appearance because time moves fast and we lose our chance to capture precious moments. Thanks, Reese, for the reminder.

  15. What great photos! Don’t feel bad. We haven’t taken family photos in about four years. I figure if my kids take their annual school pictures, that’s all that counts. No one really needs to see how my husband and I change yearly. LOL!

  16. Mel, it’s good to know I’m not the only one neglecting family photos. I learned from this post it seems a lot of us do, and I’m part of the norm, which is good to know.

    Also, you’re right, it’s the annual school pictures that makes it okay in our minds to slack on family photos.

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