Are You The Rain?

When forgiveness is required, automatically we think it’s because of wrong doings others inflicted upon us or wrong doings we inflicted upon others.

Rarely do we think in terms of forgiveness as it relates to what we inflict upon ourselves.

When I saw this photo it made me think of my relationship with myself. I wondered how good am I at forgiving myself and if I am truly the rain in my relationship? After all, we are our own worst critics. We criticize, badger, belittle, condemn, and pass judgment on ourselves way too much. So today I took some time to be the rain—to cleanse, wash away and forgive myself for:

  • criticizing my hair for not acting right
  • condemning my knees for cracking, popping, and hurting when I stand up from bending
  • expecting too much from myself
  • expecting too little from myself
  • ignoring my needs to please others
  • not wanting to please others
  • complaining about my flab and gray hairs
  • not acknowledging my strength, my intellect, my humor
  • bouts of being inauthentic while journeying towards authenticity
  • being snappy with my husband and kids when not in a “family friendly” mood
  • accidentally hitting a wayward squirrel who ran out in front of my car
  • criticizing my chunky feet for not looking cute in my sassy summer sandals

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There you have it. My rain list. But here’s the thing, I’ll have to do it all over again tomorrow because I’ll have a new list. It’s like everything else in life—an ongoing process. And until I can reach unconditional love and forgiveness for myself, I’m pretty sure there’ll always be a rain list.

What about you? Are you the rain? Can you cleanse, wash away, and forgive yourself?

4 thoughts on “Are You The Rain?

  1. Yes, I am the rain. But that is my goal this year is to cleanse and wash away and forgive myself. As you know it is an on going process. But one day at a time. Because just like you I have a different list everyday. But I think each day I am cleansing a little bit everyday.

  2. Guilty as charged!! We certainly are our own worse critics. It’s a constant struggle. You forgive one thing, but another follows not far behind. I think it’s just a part of life, with some days worse than others. But at the end of the day, all is forgiven.

  3. Starla, you’re definitely right, some days are worse than others. And at the end of those “worse” days, all is NOT forgiven for me. So I need to work on that.

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