Temporarily Back in Business

Hello everyone in blogland! I’ve come out of hiding for a reason. However, I warn you not to blink or you might just miss this temporary sighting of me. I’ll be going back on hiatus shortly.

Anyhoo, in just a few short days (five days to be exact), I’ll be featuring a blog post that’s worth sharing with everyone in blogland. Well, at least the portion of blogland this blog inhabits.

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Don’t miss it!

Photo by Artur84

16 thoughts on “Temporarily Back in Business

  1. Mike, Mike, Mike oh how I’ve missed you!!! Who else would refer to a sighting of me as a glimpse of Bigfoot. Your sharp wit, jovial banter and warm presence is such a joy to me.

    Also, you’re incorrect about one thing. I’m not the cliffhanger. You are. At least you will be once I push you off the cliff for calling me Bigfoot. 🙂

    Good to see you, and hope you’re doing well, my friend.

  2. Oh I’ve missed our little chit-chats, but hope the time away means good things have been simmering in your life. I’m all a-twittered with anticipation for your next post. Hugs, my friend. Hope good things are brewing for you!

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